Thursday, August 2, 2012

Weight Loss Journey Update

Hey friends!  It's been a while since I shared on my blog what's going on.... Sooo a bunch has happened since I last wrote.  Let me start by saying that I have officially lost 8 pounds so far, several inches and 2 dress sizes!  I also went down drastically in bra size which I know for some might seem sad but for me it was fantastic!  My back pain is almost gone now compared to where it was before.  HUGE difference!  I'm doing pretty well so far.  I had a little time in there where I wasn't able to work out or didn't have the drive for it so I wasn't as good for a bit.  I'm getting back into it though. 

Earlier this month, Chris had a business trip to Las Vegas for a week which meant I'd be home alone with the boys for a week straight - no break or help.  Normally, my mom would help me out or at least keep me company.  My parents happened to be in Italy at the same time and when they got home, they had to move!  So, she was not available - needless to say.  Chris's mom asked if the boys and I would like to come out stay with them for the week.  After thinking about it and contacting her best friend, Mary (who lives in Garden City, MI) and asking her if she'd like to drive out with me, we decided to go.  There was no way I was driving 9 hours with the kids alone.  I'd be insane!  They need way too much attention and help in the back of the car to not have an adult back there with them.  It worked out really well having here with us. I love Mary to death!  She's awesome!

On our way out, while Mary was driving ( she took over for me after I drove for about 5 hours),  we ran out of gas.  She had forgotten to pay attention to the gas gauge since she was driving my car and she's not used to it.  HA!  Amazingly, God was watching out for us and we ran out of gas right in front of a house (in the middle of the sticks in PA).  We pulled into the driveway coasting and the nice man that lived there named Ed told us he had just filled up his 5 gallon gas can the day before.  He offered us the gas.  We were so grateful for this!  We took his gas can, after putting the 5 gallons in the van's tank and went up to the gas station that was another 4 1/2 miles away and filled up the van and his gas can and returned it to him.  Praise God that He was watching over us that day.  That situation could have been so much worse and set us back hours on our drive time.  Instead, we got in at the expected time!

So, while we were visiting, I kind of slacked off on the working out.  I was on vacation!  I still ate pretty much according to my diet and ended up losing 1/2 pound that week which was amazing since the day before we came home, I had pizza twice.

After we got home, things went sort of back to normal.  My parents were moving so we were helping them a bit and there was one thing after another.  I had to get my birth control shot and for some reason the nurse put it in my butt instead of my hip.  My butt was sore for 3 days!  I also aggravated my tear in my left shoulder again and strained my tennis elbow helping my parents move.  So, I was kind of out of commission for working out for a few days.  Then, I had a night where I only got 3 hours of sleep because stupidly, I took a Claritin D in the evening and it gave me insomnia.  UGH

This past week, I lost another 1/2 pound even though I didn't do much working out at all.  So, I'm relieved.  This week, I'm back at it!  I did time on my elliptical running at full tilt and I'm getting back into doing my Zumba for Wii video.  Nathan wants to do it with me. 

I have to say it's a great feeling when I have to roll the tops of my shorts because they are close to falling off of me!  Clothes I haven't been able to wear in a long time fit me again too.

This weekend I'll be on a break though.  We are going out to Massachusetts because Chris's aunt Danielle passed away from pancreatic cancer.  We are going to the funeral.  My parents are keeping the boys for us.  I'm so glad about that because they would be super bored and wouldn't really understand what's going on at the funeral home.  I'm also looking forward to a brief break from being "Mommy"... A LOT.

We are really sad about losing Auntie.  She was always so sweet and welcoming to me.  I met his whole family after we'd been together only a few months ( I met his mom at the same time).  I have to say they are the most wonderful group of people I could ever ask for in a family. Auntie treated me like I was her own niece and after we had the boys, she would always send them presents for Christmas.  So nice of her!  I know this weekend will be hard and sad and tough to say good bye.  I feel so horrible for her kids.  Losing an aunt is nothing compared to losing your mom.  I am blessed to still have my mom and Chris's mom still around and in good health.  I would be devastated if I lost my mom.  She is my best friend.  I can only imagine how Andrea and B.J. feel and the imagination is bad enough.  I wish there was something I could do to comfort them more.  I've been praying for them and asking my bible study group to pray for them.  I hope the Lord gives them comfort in knowing she is in Heaven with Him now... no longer in pain and happier than we could ever imagine being.

Well, I'm starting to cry, so I'm going to leave it here.  May God bless you today and every day.
