He has a morning snack - the fruit, an afternoon snack - the celery (or vice-versa), a Dole Fruit Squish 'ems apple sauce, goldfish crackers, a roast beef and cheese roll-up sandwich, a fun sized Hershey bar for dessert and a Capri-Sun Super V juice box. The goldfish crackers are in one of their little containers that you can get - they come in a pack of 8 for $7.95 called Mini Dippers and the large containers come in packs of 4 in all different colors for $13.95. I bought 2 sets of 4 in the 2 color collections and 1 set of the mini dippers. They are great! They are not leak-proof (the mini dippers are though) so don't put loose yogurt in them unless you get their cooler bag they sell to put them in and that will keep them upright. Daniel has a pottery barn lunch box and it stands up in his back pack so I won't be putting a yogurt parfait in there but for something like the above lunch - PERFECT and yes a sandwich does fit!
Here is a view of it closed up:
Daniel's favorite color is purple so we used that one first.
Here is Wednesday's lunch:
For Wednesday, he's getting a ham and cheese roll up, mixed berries for snack, celery for snack, a frozen Go-gurt that should be thawed by lunch time, goldfish crackers, a Meijer Naturals fruit twist and 3 York Peppermint Patty minis along with his juice box. He gets plenty to eat this way and he can open it by himself which is great!
I'm kind of obsessed with these boxes. I'm a dork, I know. I can't explain it but the organization of it, just makes me happy! I love having things organized. LOVE it! Being able to get all of his lunches done for the week Sunday night makes me happy and relaxed because I'm not having to do it every night anymore.
My mom expressed concern with things not staying fresh being packed in there all week. I found that the berries kept better in these containers that in their original packaging and everything else kept great too! I just wanted to share my latest find with you! Hope you enjoyed!