I'm super proud of myself right this minute. I pushed myself and did 30 minutes on the elliptical at home. For some reason, our elliptical at home is harder than the one at Planet Fitness. That one was easy to do 30 minutes. At home, a little tougher but I think I'll be able to do more than that tomorrow or the next day. I feel stronger and like I have more stamina. When I started, I did 5 minutes and had to take a break and then 5 more and break and then 5 more. Being able to keep going and not feeling super hot or sweaty is awesome!!!!! I'm not trying to toot my own horn.. I'm just excited that I was able to meet that goal today : )
In June, I'm going on a girls' weekend with 3 of my friends. I am really hoping to be negative 20 pounds by then.... Do you think I can do it? I really really really hope so! I'm hoping that over the summer, I'll reach my first goal of 25 pounds lost and I'll be able to get another dog! My real first goal is that 10 pound mark. I'm so close I can taste it.
I really hope that I'll be able to see the weight loss when I look in the mirror soon. I can feel it - my clothes are getting looser for sure. I had to go smaller on the bra back strap which is exciting! I want to go down a few sizes before our trip so I can do some shopping at the outlet mall with confidence!
The best part about all of this, is that I am at the point where I KNOW I can stick with this. I can do it. I'm working out in some for every day. My initial goal was 5 days a week but I'm doing it every day and I technically earn extra calories when I work out but I'm not really using them. It's nice to know that I have them to use if I really want something like some cake or chocolate or something. I have found some great recipes and low calorie snacks that are quite tasty so they are making it easier to stay on track for sure. YAY! I'm sharing them with friends and family too. I'm on a health crusade for myself. I know that I'm feeling strong in this because of God. He's keeping me focused and determined. I WILL DO IT!
Over the weekend, we went to Greenfield Village to take our boys to the Day Out With Thomas (the train). We had a fantastic time. We ate at the Eagle Tavern for lunch and had food from the 1850's. It was delicious and I was happy to find something that worked with my diet too!

This picture above is of my mother-in-law, Jocelyn with Nathan. Mom is suffering from some Lime Disease right now so we got her a wheel chair to make it easier on her for getting around the village. Nathan had a great time getting to ride on Grandma's lap.
Here's me and my Xander. He LOVED getting to ride on Thomas and I loved that he wanted to sit with me and we got to see Thomas when we leaned out the side a bit. That is how I got the below picture. I'm hoping that as the weight loss progresses, I won't be having to worry about having 3 chins in pictures anymore!
This was my meal at the Eagle Tavern - Corned Beef and Cabbage with roasted potatoes and carrots. Delish! I also had some Hot Mint Tea that was great too!
This is a picture of my father-in-law - Mark and Daniel on the train ride. Even at 6 years old, Daniel really enjoyed riding on Thomas.
Thomas went by us at the main gate and we got to wave as he went by. Xander was so excited!!!!
I'm blessed also to have support from my family and friends. Even with eating out almost all weekend, I stayed on track! I'm enjoying sharing my journey with all of you. I hope you are all enjoying sharing it with me.
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