So, have you ever heard the saying that people always die in 3's? Well, I heard it a while ago and in the past week, there have been 3 deaths I've now heard of in the last week. All three were people I didn't know personally but were known by friends of mine. The first was while Xander and I were on our trip to St. Louis. Our first night down there, last Friday, just after I had gotten to sleep, my friend Linda came and woke me up to tell me they had to run over to their friends: Joel and Erica's house because they had just received a letter stating that Joel's youngest brother had committed suicide.
This is just terrible news and so sad. I feel so terribly for Joel and Erica and the rest of their family. Joel's brother was very young and had so much life ahead of him. Seems like such a waste and so unfair to the rest of his family and friends that loved him for him to do such a thing. All we can do now is pray for them and for his soul.
If Joel or Erica read this, I'm desperately sorry for your loss. I know that we only met once but my heart goes out to you and your family. We prayed for you all at Christ the Good Shepherd today as well and we'll continue to pray for you.
The second death was my friends' Robin and Kim's mom, Linda. She was only 64 years old and died suddenly from either a massive heart attack or a blood clot. The doctors were unable to determine which it was for sure. Linda had been healthy up until that point and was the center of their family. Both Robin and Kim are married and have young children. As I listened to the descriptions of Linda and what a wonderful person she was and how she was the glue of their family, it made me think about how I would deal with my mom passing. I pray that she doesn't go until she's very old and has lived a very long and full life free from dementia of any kind. She is my best friend aside from my husband and has always been my rock for everything. My boys love her so much. I know if we lost her, it would be devastating. I'm not sure how I'd deal with it. I'm actually crying as I type this right now just thinking about it.
The last death was my friend Nicole's friend Michelle. She was only 38 and lost her battle with cancer. Her death wasn't sudden nor a surprise but she was the mother of 4 young children and a wife. I've thought about the possibly of what would happen if I died. Who would help Chris raise our boys? It hurts my heart so much to think of them growing up without their mom. My not being there to kiss their "bee boos" (as Nathan calls them) or to teach them about girls or how to drive see them graduate and become men. I know Chris would still do an amazing job raising them because he is a wonderful father but no matter how wonderful a father you are, you can only fill the roll of mom so much. So, I think of Nicole's friend's family and I pray so much for those children and for her husband because he lost his best friend, soul mate and partner and they lost their mother.
So, in closing, please keep all of these families in your hearts and prayers in the coming days and weeks as losing loved ones, especially so young, is so so hard to get through.